🔴 ⛵ Markdown marketing pages for POW! · #OlaCast · Sunday #16
🔴 ⛵️ A piraty pizza schema in Sanity.io, Dad's Doin' Data (show 1)
🔴 ⛵️ Source pirate-pizza-data from sanity.io into gatsby
🔴 ⛵️ Create pages dynamically from images with gatsby-node.js
🔴 ⛵️ Sourcing images with graphQL and gatsby-node.js from Storyblok
🔴 ⛵️ Ola and Ineza use 👑 Raae's new plugin to accept Stripe donations of any amount
🔴 ⛵️ Add login and sign up to Ola's webapp with Outseta
🔴 ⛵️ Adding gatsby-plugin-let-it-snow to the webapp of Lillian (6 🏴☠️👸) and Ola
🔴 ⛵️ I Create Data Relationships ⛵ inside Sanity.io and show them in my Gatsby webapp 🏴☠️ OlaCast
🔴 ⛵️ Programatically creating website pages from markdown files
🔴 ⛵️ Programatically create pages for tags from Sanity.io
🔴 ⛵ Create a Remote File Node from a Youtube Thumbnail the POW! website · #OlaCast · Sunday #15
🔴 ⛵ Markdown marketing pages for POW! · #OlaCast · Sunday #16
⛵ Ola
📺 olaCast
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